WooCommerce Development Courses
WooCommerce Development Courses
There are numerous benefits to utilizing WooCommerce for your online store. It seamlessly integrates with WordPress, providing a familiar and intuitive interface. It automatically calculates taxes, supports various payment methods, and offers easy customization through plugins.
WooCommerce (level 1)
4 classes (2 hours each)
Pre-requestic: WordPress Intermediate
- Payment Gateway
- Select your products
- Dropshipping
- Print on demand
- Understanding Category
- Understand products variants
- Understand pricing and cost
- Shipping and delivery
- Return policy
WooCommerce (level 2)
4 classes (2 hours each)
Pre-requestic: level 1
- Inventory control
- Auto shipping cost
- Understanding authorized payment
- Chargeback
- Return shipping
- Refund, Store credit
- Product discount
- Packing and delivery
- Taxes
WooCommerce (level 3)
4 classes (2 hours each)
Pre-requestic: level 2
- Bulk import
- Bulk price update
- FB and IG marketplace
- Amazon marketplace
- Product description
- Product photo shooting
- Product Video shooting
- Understanding picture size and format
- Selling Gift cards
- Product reviews
- Different currency
- Different language
- Marketing (Advertising)
- Newsletter (Mailchimp) signup
A wifi ready laptop is required for the lecture.
If you have any questions, please contact us at